Best Broad Axes

Best Broad Axes

While you may associate broad axes with lopping heads off bodies thanks to popular horror flicks, the truth is that most people use axes for a wide variety of household and gardening tasks.

To get the best broad axe for your needs, you need to understand the features and functionality of the various axe types. Splitting axes are great for splitting wood but lack the control required for more delicate woodworking. If you’re interested in woodworking, you need to look at broad axes.

Broad axes are usually one-bitted, which means they only have one head with a chopping-edge. Woodcarvers use them for hewing or shaping logs, since the sharp edge of the broad axe and the single handle offer plenty of control to create an artistic design.

If you’re feeling lost as to which axe is the best for you, our broad axe reviews will give you an overview of the best axes on the market, while our buying guide will help you find the best one for your needs.

Best Carpenters Axes

Carpenter’s axes are small axes or hatchets with a very specific usage. Unlike felling trees or splitting logs, a carpenter’s axe is designed for woodworking.

At first glance you can see it’s noticeably different in appearance. This is mostly due to the shape of the axe head.

As this type of axe is a tool designed for more fine work as opposed to something that relies more on brut force like a maul, in more circumstances than not, the saying you get what you pay for usually holds true.

For a quick reference chart of carpenter’s axes, scroll to just below the Quick Navigation section to the Carpenter’s Axe Review Chart or keep reading for more detailed information and reviews.

Best Hudson Bay Axes

By now, you should know what makes a Hudson Bay axe so awesome. Even still, it can be tough to narrow it down when there are so many choices out there.

Here, we present 5 Hudson Bay axe reviews to make your decision easier! From specifications to pros and cons, our Hudson bay axe reviews cover everything you need to know about each product.

Best Felling Axes

The primary use of felling axes is to cut down trees, which is no easy task. The USDA Forest Service even requires employees to go through extensive training before they chop down any tree. This means that to get the job done, you’ll need a high-quality felling axe.

Unlike those designed for splitting wood, felling axes cut across the wood grain instead of with it. For this reason, it needs to have a very sharp, thin blade, allowing it to sink deep into the tree trunk with every stroke. On the other hand, If the head is too thin it won’t be strong enough. Therefore, a good felling axe should provide you with the perfect balance of cutting force and ergonomics.

Now that you know what a felling axe is for and what it should offer you, let’s take a look at the options available to you. Here we have reviewed some of the very best felling axes on the market, taking into account features such as materials, weight, and price.

Splitting Axes & Mauls

Even though we see new tech gadgets on store shelves every year, some items cannot be replaced by their electronic counterparts. One of these essentials is the splitting wood axe. While chainsaws are efficient and powerful, they are also noisy, fuel-guzzling, and dangerous. These attributes encourage many people to continue using more primitive axes for their wood-splitting needs.

Traditional splitting wood axes:

  • Require no fuel
  • Are far less dangerous than chainsaws
  • Make much less noise

Anyone looking to go camping and use wood for their next project would be far better off
with a splitting axe rather than a chainsaw. An axe is a simple tool that can be carried
safely with merely a suitable sheath. If you need to pack light, but still need a powerful
tool, then an axe is the way to go.

Husqvarna Splitting Mauls

You can’t talk about splitting mauls without mentioning the manufacturer, Husqvarna. The Husqvarna Group is actually a Swedish company that’s over 300 years old.

They are very well known for making powered outdoor products like chainsaws and lawn mowers & tractors. But, they also make some extremely high quality axes and mauls, as you are about to find out.

There are three main Husqvarna splitting axes in their lineup. Click on the link below to read each specific Husqvarna axe review, scroll down to read them all, or check out this video which covers the basics such as length & weight before you decide, which axe you’re interested in.

Splitting Axe vs Splitting Maul: Know The Difference

The splitting axe and splitting maul are the most commonly used cutting implements throughout the world. In this article, we will explain about these two tools. Hence for understanding the nitty-gritty of splitting axes vs splitting maul make a read over this article.

As the name suggests, splitting axes are the axes that are made to split the wood. Such types of axes possess a large and a heavy head which is forged into concave shape having thin edges. This concave surface helps the axe to pass quickly into the wood and is also facilitated by its broader section. The head of the splitting axe is grooved into the handle and a collar is provided at the base of the handle to protect it from breaking. Handle is also called hang, helve or haft. Most axe handles are made of wood. Among them hickory wood is considered as one of the best materials for making handles. Splitting axe is a traditional hand tool mostly used for splitting wood. It has been used by the peoples around the world throughout the world since several hundred years ago. It is designed in such a way that it splits the wood along the grain and hence easily breaks the fibre of the wood easily. This tool is easier to use as it does not require much force and can be operated efficiently even by the people of less strength. The blades of splitting axes are made from iron, steel and copper.

Some people often get confused between splitting axes and splitting mauls. Splitting mauls have large, heavy wedge-like heads with long handles. Splitting maul is basically wedge with handle. Splitting mauls are available in different shapes and weights suited for a myriad of jobs. It is also known as block buster, block splitter, chop and maul, sledge axe.

Although both tools are designed for the purpose of splitting the wood, there are some basic differences among them. Splitting axe has a tapered head with sharper edge but the splitting maul has wedge shaped head with and is more fatter and blunter than the splitting axe. The weight of the head of the splitting axe is 3-6 pounds whereas the weight of the splitting maul is 6-8 pounds. Also, the handle of the splitting maul is longer than the splitting axe that protects you from any injuries while working. The handle of the splitting axe can be made from wood or composite materials whereas the handle of splitting maul can be made from wood, metal, plastic and fibreglass.

There is little difference between splitting axe and splitting maul which can be explained under the following headings.

Design Wise Difference
The biggest difference between these two splitting tools is on the design of their head. Splitting axe has got a tapered head with a sharper edge made up of metal. Due to its sharper edge, the splitting axe is highly suitable for splitting as well as cutting the wood. The head of the splitting maul is wedge shaped and is much wider than the head of the splitting axe. Also, its head is fatter and blunter than a splitting axe that makes it highly effective while splitting wood. The head of the splitting maul will not stick on wood while splitting.

Splitting maul and axe also differ from design and material used for making handles. The handle of the maul is longer than the axe that helps to guide the tool into the ground after splitting is complete and it never comes to your feet. Beside, the splitting axe has got a shorter handle which increases the risk of slipping to your body while splitting. Generally, handles of both of these tools are made up of wood. But the handle of the splitting axe can be made from wood or composite materials whereas the handle of splitting maul can be made from wood, metal, plastic and fibreglass.

Length wise Difference
The splitting maul has a longer handle than the splitting axe. The longer handle prevents the risk of injuries from it while operating. But in case of a splitting axe, it can slip to your body while working.

Weight Wise Difference
Splitting maul is heavier than the splitting axe. The difference in weight has made them suitable for different purposes. The weight of the splitting axe is 3-6 pounds whereas the weight of the splitting axe is 6-8 pounds. Due to its heavier weight, splitting is found effective for splitting of wood. Axe has a lighter head that can be used quickly by less strong people. Also, heavier the head of the axe or maul, you will get fatigued quickly.

Purpose Wise Difference
Both tools are used for splitting wood but the choice between both of them is based on your personal preference. Amount of work you have in hand and size of wood you are working with will determine which tool to select. If you have to work with a large piece of wood, it is better to select maul than axe. But, if you are dealing with a small piece of wood, a splitting axe will be better. Splitting axes will also be a better option for those who are smaller and are not able to lift the heavy weight.

Basically people use a splitting axe for splitting the wood for camping or fireplaces. Its small and sharp edges are suitable for cutting wood easily. You will not suffer from hand pain while using this tool. Besides, mauls are generally used for splitting heavy and thick wood. The heavy weight of maul makes it easy to go through the wood. Only one strike by maul is enough to tear the wood into pieces. However, it may cause wrist pain. So, it is suitable for heavy duty work.

Price Difference
There is wide variation in price of these two tools. Basically the price of these two tools mainly depends upon the material it contains. A high quality splitting maul may cost $250. However, a low quality maul can be available at $40. Similarly, a high quality axe may cost $100 to $150 depending upon the material used in it whereas a low quality axe can be available at $15 or even cheaper.

Pros of Splitting maul Over Splitting Axe

Following are the benefits of splitting axe over splitting maul:

  • Splitting maul rarely sticks into the wood and even if it gets stuck you can use a sledgehammer on the maul poll to
    drive it through.
  • It has a sledgehammer on the opposite side of the blade that is handy for slamming.
  • It is effective for chopping hard wood like oak, birch, maple and ash.
  • It works faster as it does not get jammed during working.

Pros of Splitting Axe Over Splitting Maul

  • It is lighter in weight. Even a person with less strength can operate it easily.
  • Due to its low weight it does not cause wrist pain while splitting the wood.
  • It has got sharp edges which makes it suitable for cutting the wood.
  • It is also cheaper than the splitting maul.

Which is Best for Splitting Wood: Axe or Maul?

It is difficult to say which one is best for splitting the wood. We have to understand that both of these two tools are designed for splitting wood. However, choice between these two basically depends upon the type of wood you are dealing with. If you are dealing with heavy and thick wood, mauls are better but if you are dealing with small pieces of wood, splitting axes are better.

So be wise enough while choosing between them. You have to be aware about your workload and size of wood before making the choice.

Final Verdict

Splitting axes and mauls are two most commonly used tools for splitting the wood throughout the world. Some people often get confused between them. However, there is a difference between them in terms of head design, handle, weight and length. Splitting mauls have a fatter and blunter wedge shaped head that is heavier than the head of the splitting axe. The weight of the splitting axe is 3-6 pounds whereas that of splitting maul is 6-8 pounds. Due to its lighter weight, splitting axle does not cause wrist pain while operating whereas due to its heavy weight splitting maul may cause wrist pain. Similarly, splitting mauls have longer handles than splitting axes. In general, handles of both of these tools are made up of wood. But the handle of the splitting axe can be made from wood or composite materials whereas the handle of splitting maul can be made from wood, metal, plastic and fibreglass. Splitting axes are best suited for chopping lighter wood whereas splitting mauls are best suited for chopping thicker wood. Also, there is wide variation on the price of these two tools. Basically, price depends upon the materials used on it. Generally, those made by using high quality materials are expensive and those with low quality materials are cheaper. This is complete info on topic Splitting axe vs splitting maul. We hope this article has solved all your confusion.

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Modern Splitting Axes

If you are looking for a modern an innovative take of the age-old traditional version of a wood splitting axe, then the below splitting axes are going to be right up your alley.

It is important to note that despite their modern appearance and innovative features, the contemporary takes on the classic wood splitting axe are still designed to efficiently and effectively split wood.

What’s so Different?

Modern splitting axes are designed to split wood of virtually any type and diameter. However, keep in mind they do their best work with straight-grained wood as opposed to spiral-grained wood.

Their bold fire-engine red heads are noticeably different from traditional axe heads. Long gone is the normal concave wedge, which is instead replaced by an uneven oddly curved head.

Don’t worry about durability though, as both axes are constructed with materials that ensure long-lasting use and reliable performance.

Let’s take a closer look at the two different models.

Splitting Wedges

Many people have a rustic notion of hoisting a mighty ax on their shoulder like Paul Bunyan and cleaving straight through a raw hunk of cut timber. It’s a fantastic image and makes us all feel like mighty, flannel-wearing outdoorsmen. But the reality is it’s not the most efficient or useful way to split timber into perfect hunks of firewood.

To do it right the first time, you need a quality split wedge and a heavy sledge to hammer it home. If you’ve used one before, you already know that not all splitting wedges are created equal. Some only split halves while others quarter your wood stock into ready pieces of firewood or kindling, and many have other exciting features that make them more useful than others.

In this article, we’ll take you through a few of the best splitting wedges available on the market today, detailing a few of their more exceptional features. To get the most out of your wood stock, however, you may need to try out a few different designs.